Saturday, December 4, 2010

Message of Love

I’m always a little late, but this video is still worth a watch.  Isn’t he adorable? Smile The guy who this message was intended for is sure a lucky, lucky man.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Scott Herman

Scott Herman

Pretty boy Scott Herman is a male model, fitness professional, and a straight gay-friendly-ally.  I first heard of him over at the Feast of Fun (FOF) podcast and I am a fan, second podcast from FOF here.  Not only is he for equally, but he is also a bit of a geek! Smile


A while back he was trying to get the role for the upcoming Captain America movie, sadly he didn’t get it. I think he looks the part, lets hope he goes indy at least. He did a third podcast over at Ben and Dave’s Six Pack too, check it out.

schott herman speedos


5’10” (1.78)

Born 18 of October, 1984 in MA, USA.

Scott appeared on “The Real World” Brooklyn.  He is a personal trainer and currently owns and operates his own gym.  Also he is an aspiring actor “traveling down the road to fame.” Check out more info over at:

  He has appeared in the following magazines:

Next, Men’s Health, Exercise For Men Only, NOH8 campaign, Cosmopolitan, Baskit Underwear, Undergear, NYC Subway Line.

Truly impressive.







As I mentioned he is also a straight ally in fact if it wasn’t for gay themed podcasts that he has been interviewed by I probably wouldn’t know about him.  He is a pretty awesome guy. Give him your support!

scott herman noh8

scott men's health

scott herman and the boys

For his official gallery head over to his Portfolio.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Straight guy loves gay softball

     After trying to enlist on a local softball league, only to find out that there was a long waiting list, Henry P. Belanger decided to give the gay softball league a try.  It’s a pretty interesting story give it a read here. You gotta love the guy.

[Found via Outsports via GoodMenProject]

Brendon Ayanbadejo Supports Gay Marriage

From his article Same Sex Marriages: What’s the Big Deal? at the Huffington Post:

First and foremost, church and state are supposed to be completely separated when it comes to the rule of law in the United States. So the religious argument that God meant for only man and woman to be together has no bearing here! America is not Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon, Catholic, or any other religion that is out there. And the pantheon of gods can attest that there are hundreds of them. We are a secular capitalistic democracy. That's it.

Just one of the professional NFL players that supports same sex marriage.  Thank you! Smile

I hope that as we move forward we can have more allies and more acceptance in professional sports.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Straight Ally Charles Barkley

     The world of professional sports still has a long way to go in regards of homophobia and ability of it’s gay players to be out.  However there are several professional players that have voiced their support for gay equality.

     Enter Charles Barkley, who supports gay marriage. Thank you.  There are few men in the world of sports that I can safely say are my heroes or good role models and he sure is one of them.

I’m glad he is a liberal, and I sure hope he runs in 2014. I can’t vote in his state, but he sure has my full support and he should have yours too! Smile


Male Athletes


          Being more of a sci/tech nerd I’ve never really followed sports that much. Football, soccer, basketball just don’t seem to grab my interest for too long.  Yet there is something fascinating about wrestling.  It is beautiful, it is art.  It is a symphony of life played by men. Written by their every planned move of their bodies.

      Really they are beautiful gladiators.  Yet the sports culture is still really homophobic.  This is disheartening to those of us who are gay and want to join in.  So for the following blog entries I’ll post stories of sport athletes that are inclusive, or gay themselves.  After all we do have allies out there, we are not alone.


     A couple of images after the jump.

Glee’s Mark Salling

     There is a video on YouTube of Mark Salling singing about the “golden days” in Glee.  It’s pretty neat, and you have to check it out.  It’s about a year old, but it’s still pretty awesome.  From the poster’s description of the video:

“Mark Salling make a really lovely homage to the Glee Cast and Crew. From his fresh website: For for it guys.  The guy is definitely great.”


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ryan Reynolds Sexiest Man Alive!

I found this image cache via google.  I've resized and blurred the image for my blog: please let me know if you wanted taken down or you own this image. Thank you.

     Following on the footsteps of Hugh Jackman, Matt Damon, Jude Law and Ben Affleck, Ryan Reynolds has been voted sexiest man alive 2010 by People Magazine this last week.  How could you not agree this guy is beautiful?

     Also check him out landing a big kiss on Scott Thompson’s face! You have to admit he is pretty cool being comfortable enough to kiss another man. He is happily married to Scarlett Johansson so don’t get your hopes up.

I found this image cache via google.  I've resized and blurred the image for my blog: please let me know if you wanted taken down or you own this image. Thank you.

Check out more photos of Ryan after the jump.

Friday, October 8, 2010


It Gets Better

     In the eve of the tragic events that have come to pass in this last month sex advice columnist Dan Savage has started a project titled It Gets Better and so far from personal experience it really does.

     The tragedies of Seth Walsh & Tyler Clementi are truly heartbreaking and alarming. Their stories are sadly not that rare.  Marcus Wayman committed suicide after cops threaten to out him to his family called him a “fag” and quoted homophobic bible passages at him.  This is Marcus Story’s it is quite heartbreaking too.

     The worse is that the abuse come from all sides, but the best is that high school is not the real world. Just a brief moment of life.

     Things got a lot better for me right after high school in college. I got my first boyfriend and it was great, romantic, unexpected.  I met a lot of decent friends and my classmates where totally supportive or at least not homophobic.  In government the cutest guy, who was straight, was a strong advocate of gay rights and so was my teacher.  I could walk down the hall without fear of open discrimination or any bullying.  It was what I always wanted school to be. The best is now I have no shame and no guilt. I understand what homosexuality really is, not what some pastor thinks it is, and in many cases closeted and ashamed gay pastors or priests.

     If you are a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transsexual who is struggling with depression or has suicidal thoughts or know someone who might, please contact the Trevor Project or call:


Chris Colfer for The Trevor Project - It Gets Better from The Trevor Project on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sal Mineo

Salvatore Mineo Jr., was a talented and handsome actor from the Golden Age of Hollywood.  He shared the big screen with the likes of James Dean and Tim Curtis. Known as the Switchblade Kid for his typecasting as a rebellious youth he was a heartthrob that stole the hearts of many (“Bio/Filmography”).

     Sal’s parents immigrated from Sicily to the U.S. and he was born in New York on January 10th, 1939.  From a young age he showed talent in performance arts starting with his enrollment in a dance school before the age of 10. 


     “If I'd understood back then that a guy could be in love with another one, it would have happened. But I didn't come to that realization for a few more years and then it was too late for Jimmy and me.” –Sal Mineo

     In my search for gay actors that I could safely look up to I found that the farther back in time I go the more touching and interesting the stories are.  It can often be heartbreaking the stories of such celebrities.  Despite the controversies of the time Sal lived through the time of the gay rights movement in New York, and by the 70s he was said to be dating men exclusively.