Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Matthew Mitcham Olympian 2012

matthew mitcham london 2012

Only two more days for the games to start and people all over the world are getting ready to cheer on their favorite athletes. At least that’s how it should be, not just blindly supporting a flag.

Every country will send the best  of the best and as far as I am concerned the best diver out there is Matthew Mitcham! I was so proud in 2008 when I found out there were out and proud gay athletes, and best of all he won gold. How inspirational, how amazing. It was a life defining moment, a role model for the generations to come.  Maybe you think I’m being sarcastic, but I’m not. I am very proud that Matthew Mitcham is not ashamed and that he is successful. Now let me be clear I know the Gay Games are out there and that there are many out and proud gay athletes, but the Olympics reach every man, woman and child.

matthew mitcham london

In 2012 LGBTs are slowly gaining support in the sports world. In rugby straight ally Ben Cohen is helping fight homophobia, and in the United States baseball teams like the Philadelphia Phillies have made It Gets Better videos. The future looks bright.

matthew mitcham

(Matthew in 2008 China Olympics)

You can keep up with Matthew via facebook or twitter.

Monday, March 26, 2012

I kissed Cory Monteith

In my dreams!

It was a couple of weeks ago that I woke up confused, and happy. I ran to the computer and fired up Evernote and wrote down my experience. So let me share it with you.

On January 12th, 2012 I woke up from a dream where I was hugging and giving light kisses to Cory from Glee.  We were on the front porch of an old wooden abandoned house. The sun was setting, but it felt like morning and there was a black new moon completely black and the sun looked smaller behind it shinning. Which should’ve been a dead give away that I was dreaming.

I remember feeling great, really happy in his arms laying on the porn feeling the cool air. The thing is that Spunky, my dog, was there with us and so was Olivia my bf’s dog.

Before that we were in a bar with tables that had red linen cloth on top of them and it felt like the décor was like that you would see in a late 1940s or early 1950s movie and the scenery outside was a mixture of the Black forest and the Alps.  Places I’ve never been but I’ve seen on TV.

After that we were running escaping from uniformed men, cops or soldiers I don’t know. He was wearing a leather jacket and a green cotton shirt and green cotton side cap.  We ran thru a wooden area between two mountains until we came to an old wooden bridge that was in bad shape but good enough to walk on, and below it an abyss.  Across the bridge there the old empty house with no windows, but furnished.  We relaxed and smiled not much words were spoken and we embraced, the dogs were there suddenly and and we held hands went outside and kissed on the floor. I saw his face happy and the amazing sky.

I awoke happy and euphoric with feelings of romance.  It really confused me, because I’ve made my personal goal not to have crushes on straight men. Why waste time? I would always think.

Anyways I’m really happy I had that dream it was amazing and realistic and PG13 at best or worse depending on your point of view. Smile


Over all I am a big fan of Cory from his role as Finn Hudson in the show Glee.  His attendance at the GLAAD media awards and role as a gay ally in the show give me a really great image of the actor, whom I can honestly say I respect.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Straight Ally: Ben Cohen

The Advocate is reporting that rugby star Ben Cohen will be having a tour to raise awareness of homophobia in sports and to advocate for equality in the field. 

The Ben Cohen Acceptance Tour will visit Atlanta, New York, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., in May to raise awareness and funds, and encourage people to stand up against homophobia, bullying and standing up for equality, tolerance and mutual respect. The Acceptance Tour 2011 will aid the activities of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network”

This is great news, Ben surely is a great ally in the battle for equality and another great example and inspiration for LGBT youth.

Here is this interview with Ben Cohen himself:


More of Ben:

Keep up with him at Facebook or Twitter or at his official site.

His interview at Towleroad.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Message of Love

I’m always a little late, but this video is still worth a watch.  Isn’t he adorable? Smile The guy who this message was intended for is sure a lucky, lucky man.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Scott Herman

Scott Herman

Pretty boy Scott Herman is a male model, fitness professional, and a straight gay-friendly-ally.  I first heard of him over at the Feast of Fun (FOF) podcast and I am a fan, second podcast from FOF here.  Not only is he for equally, but he is also a bit of a geek! Smile


A while back he was trying to get the role for the upcoming Captain America movie, sadly he didn’t get it. I think he looks the part, lets hope he goes indy at least. He did a third podcast over at Ben and Dave’s Six Pack too, check it out.

schott herman speedos


5’10” (1.78)

Born 18 of October, 1984 in MA, USA.

Scott appeared on “The Real World” Brooklyn.  He is a personal trainer and currently owns and operates his own gym.  Also he is an aspiring actor “traveling down the road to fame.” Check out more info over at:

  He has appeared in the following magazines:

Next, Men’s Health, Exercise For Men Only, NOH8 campaign, Cosmopolitan, Baskit Underwear, Undergear, NYC Subway Line.

Truly impressive.







As I mentioned he is also a straight ally in fact if it wasn’t for gay themed podcasts that he has been interviewed by I probably wouldn’t know about him.  He is a pretty awesome guy. Give him your support!

scott herman noh8

scott men's health

scott herman and the boys

For his official gallery head over to his Portfolio.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Straight guy loves gay softball

     After trying to enlist on a local softball league, only to find out that there was a long waiting list, Henry P. Belanger decided to give the gay softball league a try.  It’s a pretty interesting story give it a read here. You gotta love the guy.

[Found via Outsports via GoodMenProject]

Brendon Ayanbadejo Supports Gay Marriage

From his article Same Sex Marriages: What’s the Big Deal? at the Huffington Post:

First and foremost, church and state are supposed to be completely separated when it comes to the rule of law in the United States. So the religious argument that God meant for only man and woman to be together has no bearing here! America is not Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon, Catholic, or any other religion that is out there. And the pantheon of gods can attest that there are hundreds of them. We are a secular capitalistic democracy. That's it.

Just one of the professional NFL players that supports same sex marriage.  Thank you! Smile

I hope that as we move forward we can have more allies and more acceptance in professional sports.